Important News & Tournament Updates |
18th Annual Invite Saturday, December 7, 2024 |
Registration is NOW OPEN for the 2024 Boyceville Invitational, both In-Person and Satellite! 2024 Boyceville Invitational Registration Form 2024 Teams Signed Up Sent Emails Compilation |
Boyceville In-Person Invitational Information In-Person Invite Supervisors Assigned HS Invite Schedule MS Invite Schedule HS Team Numbers MS Team Numbers MS/HS Building Map TCE Building Map |
Boyceville Satellite Invitational Information Scilympiad Link Can complete all events from Monday November 30th through the evening of Saturday December 7th. Build events can be done on Saturday November 28th through Saturday December 7th. Satellite Event Supervisors Assigned |
Directions to Boyceville
Boyceville High School
1003 Tiffany Street
Boyceville, WI 54725
From the west on I-94: Exit I-94 at exit 28 and head north on Highway 128 for about 10 miles. Take a right (east) on Highway 170 and head about 7 miles, entering Boyceville. Take a left (north) onto Highway 79, crossing over a set of railroad tracks and you will see Boyceville High School on your left.
From the east/south on I-94: Exit I-94 at exit 41 and head south on Highway 25 until reaching Highway 12, about 1 mile south of the interstate. Take a right (west) on Highway 12 and head about 4 miles until reaching Highway 79, and take a right (north). Head north about 10 miles, entering Boyceville and stay on Highway 79 until about 2 blocks after you cross over another set of railroad tracks. The high school is on your left.
Parking for cars and school vans is available on-site at Boyceville High School in a parking lot on the east side. Buses are asked to be parked at Tiffany Creek Elementary School, which is about 5 blocks north of Boyceville High School on Highway 79, on the right. Teams are asked to be dropped off at the front door and then the bus can proceed to the parking lot at Tiffany Creek Elementary School.
Shuttle Service
As we have done in the past, a shuttle service will be available from approximately 8:00 AM until approximately 4:00 PM between Tiffany Creek Elementary School and the MS/HS Building. This shuttle will be a short yellow school bus and will meet in the East Parking Lot near the commons of the MS/HS Building and the South Parking Lot, near the commons of Tiffany Creek Elementary School.
Auditing Events
Due to the large number of teams who have participated in the Boyceville Invitational in the past, we have decided to NOT allow teams to audit events due to space concerns and time concerns with our event supervisors. Auditors will not be allowed under any circumstances. Please contact Andy Hamm if you have any questions about this policy.
Again this year , we are using Avogadro! Here is the link to Avogadro:
First, click on hosted tournaments in the upper right corner, then scroll down to Wisconsin and click on the Division B or Division C link depending on which team you coach. I have created accounts for all main head coaches already using the e-mail you primarily use to communicate with me. To access this account, you need to:
1) Click on the Login button in the upper right hand corner
2) Click the forgotten your password link
3) Input your entire e-mail address
4) Follow the on-screen directions on the screen and in your e-mail
For Mendel for the online scheduling events, that is available when you log in by clicking on the Scheduling link on the top.
Awards / Awards Ceremony
The middle school and high school tournaments will be broken down into two divisions, based on school enrollment, previous success at the Boyceville Invitational, and respective state tournaments. Again this year…medals will be awarded to the top six finishers in Division 1 and the top six finishers in division 2 in all 28 events in the high school tournament. Medals will be awarded to the top five finishers in Division 1 and the top five finishers in Division 2 in all 28 events in the middle school tournament. In addition, team trophies will be awarded to the top six teams in division 1 and the top six teams in division 2 of the high school and middle school tournaments. National Scoring will be used to calculate team scores (1 point for 1st, 2 points for 2nd, etc…low score wins), and every teams’ five worst event scores will be dropped when calculating team scores, compensating for the five Wisconsin Science Olympiad events. Only one trophy can be earned by a school and coaches are asked to identify their “preferred team” to earn a trophy prior to competition in the event of multiple teams earning team awards. In the event that a school does not identify their “preferred team” the team with the lowest team number will earn the team trophy. A spirit award will be awarded to the high school team and the middle school team who displays the most positive team spirit, as voted on by the event supervisors.
All efforts will be made to begin the awards ceremony as fast as possible after the final events have been completed. This awards ceremony will move quickly to accomodate the large number of teams and awards being handed out, with a goal to get teams on the road as fast as possible. Again This Year…Pictures of medal winners will be NOT taken away from the ceremony in an effort to speed up the awards ceremony. Coaches will be able to take pictures in a separate staging area but this will allow the awards ceremony to move much more quickly. This is a recommendation from the coaches in the past. We will work hard to quickly and accurately begin and complete the awards ceremony, while still creating a memorable experience for all students involved.
In an effort to fit everybody comfortably into the awards ceremony, there will be assigned seating by team. We have tentatively set up a map for teams with an approximate number of chairs needed for each school. Please let Andy Hamm know as the tournament approaches if you have a rough idea of the number of chairs your school will need or if you will not be attending the awards ceremony for any reason. There will be a separate general seating area for parents and other spectators. The Gymmatorium Floor area will be closed at 3:10 to set up for the Awards Ceremony and will be re-opened around 3:30 PM.
Cell Phones and Video/Still Images
As we have done in the past, students who have a cell phone ring in an event may be disqualified in the event, at the discretion of the event supervisor. All students are strongly encouraged to turn off all cell phones or do not take them into competitive events.
Students, coaches, team representatives, and spectators will only be allowed to take pictures of people and devices associated with their school. No imagery (still or video) of other students and/or other schools’ devices will be allowed to be taken during the tournament.
Pictures of medal winners will be taken by an area amateur photographer and provided to all teams after the tournament free of charge. Coaches will receive this a digital link several days after the tournament via e-mail. Teams are asked to not send people up to the stage to take pictures during the awards ceremony in an effort to hasten the ceremony. A spot for pictures will be made available away from the stage.
A concession stand will be open from 8:00 AM until the completion of the Awards Ceremony in the high school commons. A variety of foods, ranging from breakfast to lunch foods, and including muffins, pizza, hot dogs, nachos, fruit, various beverages, and numerous other options will be for sale, with all proceeds benefiting the Boyceville Science Olympiad team.
Flight Events
Both Flight events will be run in the Tiffany Creek Elementary Gymnasium, with practice flights allowed from 8:30 until 9:30 and throughout the day as allowed by the event supervisor and within the rules. The dimensions for the Tiffany Creek Elementary gym area are 20 feet tall (rafters present), 84 feet long by 40 feet wide.
In an effort to reduce congestion in our commons area, homerooms or area/space will be provided to all teams. Please be aware that you may share a homeroom with another team and please be respectful of the other teams in your areas. Teams are asked to not gather in the commons area to provide everyone with an opportunity to visit the concession stand and move freely.
Hospitality/Scoring/Coaches Room & Arbitration
A hospitality/scoring room will be available for adult coaches, volunteers, event supervisors, and bus drivers (separate area) only during the day. This will be located in the library and will provide coaches and event supervisors with a quiet place to score their events and our scoring committee will be located here to help input your final event scores into Avogadro. Score counseling will be required for all event supervisors with a scoring committee member in the middle school computer lab. Arbitration will also be located in the library as well.
Teams are asked to complete and have on hand all required paperwork for your regional and state tournaments, including medical release forms and a publicity waiver. Forms for your particular school or state are acceptable and will not be collected, but if you need copies example forms available at the Wisconsin Science Olympiad website (
Students, coaches, and other interested people are welcome to watch several events, including many of the build events, and the high school and middle school gymnasiums will have bleacher space available for people to watch some of these events.
Team Check-In and NO Coaches Meeting
There will be a table in the high school commons for coaches to check-in upon their arrival on the morning of competition. A Boyceville Science Olympiad representative will greet all teams and show them to their homeroom area. We will not hold a coaches meeting and coaches can ask any questions at check-in. Help will also be available in the coaches hospitality/scoring room in the Library. Impound opens at 8:30 AM and closes at 9:30 AM
Mendel – Signing Up for Sign-up Events
Time slots will be available to teams on a first-come, first-serve basis through Mendel, an add-on to Avogadro. Mendel will be used to select your times for the sign-up events and to opt-out of any events that your team will not be competing in.
Teams that do not sign up for an event prior to the tournament but would like to compete will have the opportunity to choose among the remaining time slots the day of the tournament.
Mendel is available through Avogadro.